Halloween Trends 2011

Halloween Trends 2011

The average person will spend $72.31 on Halloween candy, costumes and decor, bringing total spending to $6.86 billion – the most in the last nine-years. Here are some of the stats for this year’s festives.

Universitas of The Past and The Modern Day College 2011

Universitas of The Past and The Modern Day College 2011

People have sought out higher learning since circa 800 A.D. But that’s about the only thing that has remained the same. From who is enrolling to which degree programs are offered to where the best degree programs are located, education has vastly changed. The infographic below showcases many of those changes. Degrees titles have evolved […]

2011 Retail Predictions

2011 Retail Predictions

New year, new slate–but when it comes to forecasting retail trends for 2011, the trajectory set in 2010 provides some solid clues as to how sales and revenue figures will pan out this year. And yes, I did say “trajectory”–because despite the rough economic conditions, online sales grew by almost 13% from 2009 to 2010 […]