
2014’s Kitchen Design Trends

2014’s Kitchen Design Trends

While looking through today’s top home décor magazines, it’s easy to get lost in what’s feasible, and what’s practical. Thankfully, Part Select has created an infographic entitled “2014’s Kitchen Design Trends”, detailing all the most popular looks in kitchens today. Kitchens have really taken on a new role in today’s social sphere. Long done are […]

Taking Off: Travel Trends [Infographic]

Taking Off: Travel Trends [Infographic]

Everyone loves vacations whether it’s exploring a remote locale, or sitting poolside enjoying a cool drink. Unfortunately, the 2007 recession brought a halt to many American’s vacation plans. While fewer Americans are taking vacations, has created an infographic entitled “Taking Off: Travel Trends in 2013” detailing the destinations, planning, and habits of those individuals […]

Crowdfunding Statistics and Trends

Crowdfunding Statistics and Trends

The crowdfunding industry continues to see strong growth which gives life to more great ideas, projects and social good. At Go Get Funding, month-on-month had more people raising more money for all types of campaigns. From creative projects and volunteering campaigns to medical fundraisers and more. To help visualize the growth of the crowdfunding industry, […]

Halloween Trends 2011

Halloween Trends 2011

The average person will spend $72.31 on Halloween candy, costumes and decor, bringing total spending to $6.86 billion – the most in the last nine-years. Here are some of the stats for this year’s festives.