
Infographic: Conventional UHD TV vs Samsung SUHD TV

Infographic: Conventional UHD TV vs Samsung SUHD TV

Learn how the All-New Samsung SUHD TV is better than a conventional UHD TV in this comparison. In recent years, the TV experience has been enhanced with a transition from LED TVs to OLED to HD, and more recently to UHD TVs. Each advancement brought greater visuals and quality into the mix, with the UHD […]

How Much TV Do We Really Watch in One Lifetime?

How Much TV Do We Really Watch in One Lifetime?

As kids, our time in front of the TV is limited to increments as decided by our parents. As adults, we’ve taken a few liberties on those previously-determined TV allowances, and technology hasn’t made it any easier to stay away. Now that television is accessible on almost every device we own, it’s virtually impossible to […]