From recycling paper to offices using wind power, our workplaces are adopting more green technologies every day. has created an infographic entitled “Green Zone”, detailing how companies around the nation are starting to put green technology into place in the workplace, and just what a booming industry it is.
Gassed: Gasoline Consumption [Infographic]
Driving down the road, you’ll notice many hybrid or fuel efficient vehicles. But even with the move toward more environmentally friendly transportation, the United States still consumes the most oil of any country, followed by China. Finance Degree Center has created an infographic entitled “Gassed”, highlighting facts and statistics surrounding the oil industry.
Toxic California: Contaminated Sites and Soil [Infographic]
Go Green
Saving the planet might seem an overwhelming challenge. Start with something easy and introduce minor changes to your diet. When switching to organic food, make sure you read labels before putting a product into your shopping cart. Choose free trade products whenever you can. Don’t buy products tested on animals. Scan the ingredients and to […]
Save Trees: Recycle Your Moving Boxes
How many cardboard moving boxes are you likely to use the next time you move? If your response is “a lot,” “dozens,” or “so many I can’t count,” you need to see this infographic. Our research team crunched some numbers and discovered not only how many boxes you’re likely to use, but how many the […]
How Green is the iPad? [Infographic]
The iPad is by far the most popular tablet on the market today, but have you ever wondered how large of an environmental footprint the iPad makes? has put together an infographic that looks at how green the iPad really is, also look at: – The total emissions produced by the iPad – The […]