Debt is hard to ignore. You can’t simply wish, smile or cut it away. You need to do something to resolve your debt problems. The following infographic details out the debt relief solutions and precautions before getting help for the same.
![National Debt Relief [Infographic]](
Many recruitment agencies still use paper-based manual timesheet and invoicing systems. However, such an approach is a source of inefficiency. Etz has identified six common areas that recruitment agencies lose money through timesheet and back office inefficiencies. Avoid these mistakes and save money by investing in an automated back office software solution.
It’s hard to imagine being in debt by millions of dollars, let alone trillions. Unfortunately, the U.S. has a national debt of $17 trillion. has created an infographic entitled “Paying Their Dues: How the U.S. National Debt Affects You”, breaking this debt down into lay-mans terms.
Facebook is one of the biggest tech giants around. But with its service being free, many people wonder where they get so much money. has created an infographic entitled “How Does Facebook Make its Money”, detailing how the social networking giant continues to rake in the dough.
The news has been abuzz with updates and debates surrounding Obamacare. However, many of these discussions seem oddly familiar to many of our older citizens. Surprisingly, Social Security and Medicare both faced strict opposition in their fledgling days. Now, however, they are some of the most popular programs around. has created an infographic entitled […]
Online Trading Academy, a leading source for investor training has come up a list of what’s hot and what’s not for investment opportunities for 2014. The trading academy has 34 financial educational centers all over the world and they also have a full online curriculum. The investment opportunity forecast for 2014 are from some of […]
With a growing number of students unable to afford college tuition, many of these students are turning to a two-year degree in order to accomplish their educational goals. has created an infographic entitled “Bang for Your Educational Buck” detailing which associates degrees are proving to be worthwhile-even earning more than others with bachelor’s degrees. […]
Finances are complex. The average American has a monthly mortgage payment of $1,061; an average utility bill of $163, a student loan payment of $290, a car payment of $428, and a credit card debt of over $4,500. With these numbers, it’s easy to see why Americans need to utilize budgeting tools. And in this […]