Americans spending habits vary greatly depending on income and gender. Did you also know that Americans spend more on housing but less on food now than in 1949? Check out the below infographic to see how Americans use their hard earned dollars.
Made in the USA: Or is it?
Hosting Services in the United States [Infographic]
Net Worth of American Presidents vs. National Debt
Each U.S. President has their own story of how they came to power, and for some, wealth. Some came from or married into wealth, while others never had much to speak of. A small handful were penniless or poor when they died. Not only has Presidents’ private debt fluctuated over the years, so has public […]
A History of Hurricanes in America
Arming the United States
12 Best Motorcycle Tours Around USA [Infographic]
Road Rage in the USA
Everyone has heard the tales of road rage: from flashed brights to knife fights, being cut-off to having something cut-off, there are plenty of reasons to be courteous (and maybe a little fearful) of other drivers. New York City has the “honor” of having the angriest, most aggressive, most assertive drivers in the United States, […]