The newest face of the American diet is gluten free products. You see them everywhere, and you probably know someone who is on a gluten free diet. But is this newest fad just a short-lived trend? has created an infographic entitled “Is Gluten Really a Bad Thing?” detailing some starting facts and figures behind […]
26 Holiday Dieting Tips That Will Keep You Food Coma Free [Infographic]
The last two months of each year, otherwise known as the holiday season, can be some of the toughest times not only to lose weight, but simply to maintain your current weight as well. Temptation during the holiday season seems to pop up everywhere you turn. The holiday parties, the office lunch room, the grocery […]
An Appetite for Success: The Tasty Business of Food Trucks
There are millions of food trucks across the US, and their popularity seems to keep on growing. From tacos to burgers to surprisingly gourmet options, there’s a wide array of options available from the diverse food truck scene. But if it seems as simple as throwing a grill in the back of a truck and […]
Food Wastage Around The World
About 1/3 of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year; approximately 1.3 billion tonnes gets lost or wasted. Industrialized anddeveloping countries waste roughly the same quantities of food – respectively 670 and 630 million tonnes. Every year, consumers in rich countries waste almost as much food(222 million tonnes) as the entire […]
Grow your own
The Truth About Food Labels
The average consumer relies on the nutritional information on food labels as a guide to healthy and unhealthy foods. It is unfortunate then that these labels routinely and unabashedly lie to consumers and manipulate them into thinking that unhealthy foods are healthy. Check out this infographic and never get scammed again.
Money in The Food Industry
Whether it’s a humble burger bar or the most luxurious of high-profile restaurants, America is a nation which loves dining out (so much so, we totalled nearly $566 billion in restaurant food sales last year). We’ve taken a look at some of the economics behind this gigantic industry and, in particular, how the tradition of […]
The History of Ice Cream [Infographic]
Ice cream has always been one of America’s favorite desserts. And though it’s not the healthiest of food and may have helped contribute to some medical problems to those who over-consume, it is one of the most regularly enjoyed desserts in America. Nothing beats an cold ice cream cone in the afternoon, especially in a […]
Extraordinary McDonald’s Menu Items [Infographic]
McDonald’s, a fast food chain that has often times been blamed for the growing weight issues in the United States, has locations all over the world with different menus in all of them. Here’s an infographic about some interesting menu items you might not have heard of here in the US. Some sound relatively healthy […]