
Textbooks of Tomorrow

Textbooks of Tomorrow

While many have a soft spot for the feel of the printed page, it’s hard to see a future where textbooks aren’t delivered to students digitally. It’s not just the benefit of taking the literal weight of textbooks off students backs-digital textbooks offer an opportunity to enhance the entire learning experience.

America, Meet China

America, Meet China

In 2000, “Harvard Girl”, a how-to guide for Ivy League hopefuls, climbed to the top of China’s best-selling book list. The book was written by the parents of a Chinese girl admitted to Harvard University, and a whole new genre of copycat books rose in its wake. While most would argue that America’s educational system […]

The NFL Name Game

The NFL Name Game

To celebrate the 2011 NFL season kick-off, WhitePages decided to play very own NFL Name Game. In the following infographic, they took a close look at both real and fictional players from the past and present, with a few wild cards thrown into the mix. So, here’s to a season full of unforgettable plays and […]