Year: 2010

Weird Things Found at the Airport Security

Weird Things Found at the Airport Security

Almost all travelers have found themselves dealing with a little white lie about what they’re bringing back when filling out their customs form on the return trip home. We strongly advice our readers to adhere to all local laws and NEVER bring any banned item into a country, as there’s probably a dam good reason […]

Drinking Laws in the US

Drinking Laws in the US

If you’re going to go out drinking, make sure you take a look at this handy cheat sheet before you are too deep in the barrel. People tend to make poor decisions when drunk so best to know what not to do before hand than try to understand the rules when already intoxicated.

Cigarette Laws in the US

Cigarette Laws in the US

We would never, ever, condone smoking. It is a costly, filthy, and harmful habit, for you and those around you. That said, if you’re going to smoke, at least know the laws surrounding smoking so you can be on the right side of the law even if you’re on the wrong side of your health.

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Outer Space

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Outer Space

Outer space has always caught the imagination of people. The fascination is rooted in the inherent curiosity people have for the unknown. But, the truth is, we have learned a great deal about outer space. While that great deal of knowledge may only be a speck in the cosmic sense because there’s so much more […]

The Social Buying Universe

The Social Buying Universe

With the social landscape changing and growing at breakneck speeds, social buying sites have become more and more popular. This graphic takes a “universal” approach at showing the largest sites in this sector in terms of number of unique visitors in August, 2010.

Should You Live in a Cave House Instead?

Should You Live in a Cave House Instead?

People have been hollowing out caves to make their homes for thousands of years. There are also people experimenting with the benefits of modern cave living. These homes are well appointed with modern conveniences, good ventilation and even spectacular views. Here’s how some folks adapt to living underground.

Greasy Bacon Facts-n-More

Greasy Bacon Facts-n-More

Almost half of all bacon fat is “Good Fat”(or for a more technical sounding term, monounsatured fat). It’s the same “Healthy Fat” that is found in olive oil. It can actually help lower your bad cholesterol!?