
How Much Does Being Fat Cost Us?

How Much Does Being Fat Cost Us?

Recently, George Washington University released the first ever study to list the specific costs of being overweight and obese. They say it’s the first study ever to do so! Obesity is a major issue for our nation, so DebtManagement combined the study’s findings with other research to try to give a picture of the true […]

What Does Your State Do Best?

What Does Your State Do Best?

Every State is number on in something, but some claims to fame are pretty surprising. This infographic shows what states are best at what – complete with an indicator of whether or not each state is forward thinking in terms of energy policy.

How fast does my new car lose value?

How fast does my new car lose value?

The very minute that you drive a new car off a dealer’s lot, it loses value. That’s just a fact of life, and the infographic below gives you a roadmap of depreciation milestones. But depreciation doesn’t mean you shouldn’t buy a new car. In fact, if your plan is to drive the wheels off your […]