Credit card usage is still growing, there are about 181 million credit cards in the US! Most people actually use it on travel expenses, and surprisingly only 1 in 5 use them to pay for bills.
Credit Card
Cracking The Credit Card Code
Nearly everybody has at least one Credit Card — almost 80% of consumers in 2008, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston – and many use it on a daily basis. Without a doubt, there are also those consumers who know their credit card numbers by heart (makes online shopping and booking travel so […]
The Top 10 Credit Card Myths Dispelled
States with the Highest Credit Card Debt
With the recession, it seems like everyone has been cutting back on their spending and ditching the plastic. However, credit card debt is still a major source of stress for many American households. BillShrink took a look at users across the country to see which states were doing the best (and worst) at keeping their […]