You wouldn’t think it to be the case but small towns all across America have some pretty peculiar and hilarious names.
Un-dead Apocalypse Survival Guide
The Art of Partying: Hipsters vs. Jocks
15 Fun Facts & Statistics About Pumpkins
Steve Buscemi Creep-O-Meter
15 Fun & Bizarre Facts About Lady Gaga [Infographic]
All you need to know about Digg’s new front page algorithm
20 Strangest Sex Laws from Around the World
20 of the weirdest posts on Craiglist [Infographic]
Men vs Women: Approaching a Purchase Decision [Infographic]
Women: Have you ever analyzed what made you decide to buy that pair of over-priced pumps? Men: What led to the decision to buy that must-have gadget promising hours of technophilic bliss? Here’s a fun graphic representation of how the thought patterns of men differ from those of women before deciding to make a purchase: